Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Important DBCC Commands and Stored Procedures

List of DBCC Commands
DBCC stands for Database Console Commands.

1.DBCC HELP(<command>)
         Returns syntax information for the specified DBCC command.
2.DBCC checkdb
         Checks the logical and physical integrity of all the objects in the specified database
         It is a command used to identify the last statement executed by a particular SPID. 
Displays the fragmentation information for the data and indexes of the specified table or view.
5.DBCC config
         It returns information of server configuration
6.DBCC dbinfo [‘dbname’]
         It gives metadata information of the database like database creation id, date,compatibility level and last log backup time etc. also db_dbcclastknowngood.
7.DBCC detachdb[‘dbname’]
         This command can be used to detach a database from the SQL Server instance.
8.DBCC DBRecover(DBName)
This command can be used to manually recover the database. Normally databases are recovered at system startup, but for some reason if they fail, we can use this to recover the database manually.
9.DBCC errorlog
 This command closes the current errorlog and creates a new errorlog. This command is similar to sp_cycle_errorlog.
10.DBCC log(DbID)
This command is used to display the log record information from the specified database transaction log.
11.DBCC UpgradeDB(DBName) 
 This command is used to upgrade the system objects of specified database to the version of database engine.
12.DBCC loginfo [‘database name’]
DBCC LOGINFO returns information about virtual log files within the physical transaction log.
13.DBCC memorystatus
This command provides a snapshot of the current memory status of Microsoft SQL Server.
14.DBCC sqlperf
Provides transaction log space usage statistics for all databases. In SQL Server it can also be used to reset wait and latch statistics.
15.DBCC sqlmgrstats
This command accepts no parameters and returns the number of memory pages used, the total number of Transact-SQL statements that have been cached and the number of false hits.
16.DBCC traceoff
Disables the specified trace flags.
17. DBCC traceon
Enables the specified trace flags.

List of Stored procedures
1.    Sp_help(objectname)
To give a detailed information about the object.
2.    Sp_monitor
Displays statistics about Microsoft SQL Server.
3.    Sp_send_dbmail
To manually send an outgoing mail.
4.    Sp_server_info
stored procedure to get server level information for SQL Server
5.    Sp_datatype_info
results in all data types that are accepted by you sql server version on their corresponding data types
6.    Sp_depends
Displays information about database object dependencies, such as the views and procedures that depend on a table or view
7.    Sp_helprotect
Returns a report that has information about user permissions for an object, or statement permissions, in the current database.
8.    Sp_getapplock
Places a lock on an application resource
9.    Sp_who2
shows all the sessions that are currently established in the database
Reports information about the indexes on a table or view

Provides information about locks.
Lists all databases in an instance or that are accessible through a gateway
Returns the list of catalogs in the specified linked server. This is equivalent to databases in SQL Server.
Returns column information for the specified objects that can be queried in the current environment.
Returns a list of all indexes and statistics on a specified table or indexed view
Returns a list of objects that can be queried in the current environment. This means any table or view, except synonym objects.

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